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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Other Projects

I've just been putting a coat of varnish on my dining chairs (c.1929) before we go away on our super adventure holiday!  I've left it to the last minute because it stinks out the whole house & last time I had a headache for a week :(
I've already done the table - finished that around the 25th of May, but have had the chairs 1/2 done for a while.  So I'm putting up some before and after photos of the table, which Wayne made & my cousin's husband turned the legs for.  It was originally stained a deep jarrah colour, but looked a bit tired.  Wayne planed the top back to the hardwood & I sanded the table all over.  The top had to be re-puttied and took ages to sand the stain out.
I painted the legs with satin enamel (oil based), but it was still too shiny -looked like plastic.  So I sanded it back harder in spots to allow some of the red stain to show through.  It makes the back not so black & gives it a warmer look. I then varnished the whole table with satin varnish, which is less shiny.  The top had 3 or 4 coats.
Table with top sanded back

Ulani Sanding the table

Finished table
The other project that I have been working on over the past couple of months was the referb of our church hall.  The Hall was in need of a makeover - it had been the same dated colour scheme of pine boards with 2 shades of mushroomish pink :o  OK in 1991, when the Church was built but.....
Last weekend the boys laid the carpet, which isn't in the photo.  Two weeks before we had a working bee to paint & I was on duty with the staple gun & the help of a friend to cover the sound boards on the wall.
It all came together really well!!! The colours we used were Red Box & Braid on the walls & very cheap Polar Fleece for the sound boards.  The Hall is used for functions, cafe', kids ministry & Busy Bees playgroup- so the colour scheme had to be flexible. Really happy with how it turned out :)
Church Hall-looks a bit messy after Kids Church

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