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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Choosing the Right Colours for your Garment

The aim of this blog is for me to be able to express thoughts, hints and ideas that may help other knitters out there, particularly when creating a mini mae design.  I can't contain it all on my website so...

Something that's a bit hard to explain, let alone get right in reality, is the importance of choosing the correct colour yarns with which to create a garment.  The colours chosen can make or break a design.  I know because I've done it!  Even if you get the combination of colours so that they look great together, there is still the balance of quantity that needs to be right also.  Take the Random Stripe Jumper, pictured.  I love it, but I had my doubts as to whether it would work out or not.  The colour combination of red, orange, pale pink and blue, is rather unusual to say the least.  It didn't look good when I held all those balls in my hand.  The reason was that the quantity of each colour was equal.  For the combination to work, certain colours had to diminish (pale pink & the burnt orange colour) and others- the beautiful tangerine, had to increase.  The only reason I chose this combination at all was to match the ball of 'Cinderella' I had chosen to make a scarf out of.
I had the same jumper knitted up in another size, but substituted the tangerine for the burnt orange and vice-versa. While it's not completely terrible, it looks like something that my gran would have knitted for us in the 70's -just NQR!  So choosing the right colour combination is important.

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