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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crazy School Hols!!!!

There's always so much happening, that I forget just about everything! I forgot last time about our fab (1 night only) anniversary in Melbourne, with a carriage ride @ night - very romantic. But I can't go back over everything that's happened in the past 6 weeks, so I'll just share one of my 'mother experiences'.  I think there were a lot more of them when the children were younger - pre school days. I remember thinking that I was going to have to be locked away somewhere because my very busy toddler boys were driving me nuts & I had a little baby as well.  There were many a day when I would go from trying to fix one disaster that they'd created only to discover that while I had my back turned, they'd created another one. Ah.... it' was soooo very frustrating. Yesterday I had a glimps of that.....

I thought I'd tire them all out by going on a BIG walk/scooter ride on the morning before it got too hot.  After we came home & had morning tea, I thought I'd do a little computer work.  Let it be known I have a man's brain.  I can't concentrate on more than 1 thing at a time. Multitasking is over rated. So I did get just a little agro when I'd been interupted about 20 times (well maybe 10).  So I sentenced them all to quiet time in their rooms for the afternoon.  Good plan, except they share so it wasn't really going to be solitary confinement. 

I was amazed at how little fighting was going on (from the boys, they've been at it all holidays. Another reason they were exiled).  When I finally let them out I discovered why.  For some strange reason, only understandable to a boy of the age of 8-10years old, they decided to put marbles up their behinds.  Thankfully it was only one each & they weren't Tom Bowlers, Jacks or whatever those ones are that are really huge.  By the time I'd discovered their antics, 1 had already been pooed out.  There it was in the bottom of the toilet.  Not wanting to loose a marble, the owner promptly fished it out. Just lovely!

I tried to make the other child get his out (on it's own) on the grass outside, but to no avail. It managed to find its way out later into the toilet of its own accord.  I thought they may have outgrown that stuff, but obviously not. Other than the fact that they fight or 'get the nuffy's'(act like idiots as depicted above), the holidays have been quite good.

We went to Phillip Island -WAY too busy for holidays.  There we saw this sign, where we were staying;

Underneath this is a photo of 3 of my 4 children 'mooning'.  This was before the 'marble' incident, soWayne blames me for encouraging their dodgy behaviour.  Still you've got to have a bit of fun as a parent otherwise you'd go crazy!

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